Thirsty’s House, Interior

"Thirsty" was one of the undead old guard of the City Council, so he had a pretty fancy house. I built the architectural detailing including the crown moulding, doors and trim, fireplace, and the porch railing. Several other artists made the fire come alive for the film.

The Rust Bank Bridge

This build was quite an undertaking. I built the full bridge at 30 feet long at 1/3 puppet scale (so about 1:18 life), and sections in at least two other scales, including a 25’ puppet scale version, seen during the car crash sequence.

shown here are some early mock-ups and some of the heaps of math. Apparently bridges are mostly made of math.


Two sets of the many windows I made for the film, all basically hand-carved. The first was for the scene where Kat and Raul escape from the detention hall of Rust Bank Catholic. The set was, if I’m not mistaken, the only forced perspective set in the movie. The second set was for the Chapel in several of the graveyard scenes.

More Windows

The bay window of an old guard house that was meant to have an old copper roof, so I made it out of copper. I don’t know if it helped scenic paint or not, but it was a fun build and ended up being barely visible in the film. The second shot here is a collection of 1/4 scale window boards for Kat’s present-day neighborhood. I arran the boards from back to front, as if each were hung in order, and from there enjoyed making these little abstract compositions.

More to come!


Models and Props

